Monday, January 13, 2014

Shopping Organic and whole foods for your Thyroid

Last week I began my new blog and healthy shopping adventure.  I am currently battling Thyroiditis,  Thyroid Disease and hyperthyroidism.  I have enlarged thyriod and goiter. I'm on an all natural food choice regime, cutting out foods that cause inflammation and goiters.  This is my goiter in my neck you can see it clearly. This picture was taken January 13th,  2014.
Some of the highlights to my new food experience are below.  Feel free to comment. 


  1. What type of thyroidis do you have?
    Have you been tested for TPO antibodies or ESR rate?

  2. Hi Babylon,

    I have Auto Immune Disorder. I have had multiple Thyroid Panel's Done and Ultrasound.
    The ESR rate is something that I have not heard of, is this a common test for Hyperthyroid patients? Thank you for much for your comment!

  3. The ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) test is used for detecting viral or bacterial infection. The subacute thyroiditis (thyroid inflammation) is caused by viral or bacterial infection and is accompanied with elevated ESR. The good thing about it that it is self-limiting (not chronic) but it lasts from 3 to 6 months;
    Just curious what was thy\e size of your thyroid per ultrasound; in average it is 7.3 ml; in order to be a clinical goiter it must be larger than18 ml

  4. My primary care physician in June of 2012 treated me for the infection in my throat and after that my Endo sent me for an ultra sound. I will have to find those results. At that time in June of 2012, only my right side with enlarged.

    The problem as you can see with the goiter and my swelling did not occur until late 2013. Due to a lapse of health insurance and medication, the problem grew worse. I had to change Endo's due to a relocation. My current Endo hasn't sent me for a new Ultrasound, the goiter is there and not shrinking. Currently he says a ultrasound will not help me to have it done, and plus it will cost me too much money. I do get frequent infections in my throat and I take Amox/Clav to manage it. Thank you for the information.

  5. Upper respiratory infection is number one cause for subacute thyroiditis.
    I would like to suggest you to join thyroid disorders community on (if you have not done so) toi get support, education and guidanece!
    All the best!

  6. Hi Babylon,

    That is wonderful help! Thank you very much. Here is the link I am referring to per your information.

    Best wishes to you!

  7. This is correct.
    While this condition is uncommon it should not be automatically dismissed.
    In addition, it starts within one lobe and spreads to the whole gland. You can check condition of your thyroid swelling by measuring a neck circumference at lower third of the neck with the head in normal position. This should be done in the morning after waking up.
    I have been working in thyroid imaging lab before my present job.
